Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Streetlife DJs & Mark Lam

Hey All you Le Cirque Freaks

Id like to say hello to you all and hope you come to see us play down atle cirque on the 16th as my first day playing for you guys. ill be hitting you all up with anything i can pull out of my ass basically. Also keep aneye out on this blog for mix tapes and tracks that ill be putting up by my self and other international artist.

This one is one i did awhile back any feedback is appreciated hit us up on MySpace and show some love.

The original track is done by those crazy electro heads "Streetlife Djs" and the track is called "We Love The Disco Sound".

Streetlife Djs - We Love The Disco Sound(Mark Lam Remix)

Hope you guys like it


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